Saturday, 12 May 2018

This Selfie Taken On Mount Everest.


This selfie taken on Mount Everest.

However, the selfies are taken in pleasure and happiness. It does not matter what it means, it rarely happens. Now the group photo is taken on the basis of selfies. At present, one self-service has started a debate on the earth. Or it can be said that this selfie is a contract answer for people who believe in a flat earth. Some people believe that the earth is completely flat. These people give a contract of confidentiality on the line showing the globe. There are so many people who believe that they have made their own separate community. The name of this community is Flat Earth Society. These people seem to prove that the earth is not round, but flat. This selfie from Everest can disappoint people of the Flat Earth Society.

Mount Everest is the world's largest peak which is about 8,848 meters above sea level. A mountaineer who has arrived here has posted a selfie on a site reader on social media. He wrote: 'Flat and beat the Society.'

Another Redtube user confirmed that it was a common thing that if the earth was flat, then the entire mountain could be seen from the highest peak, but it is not possible, only 2.5 percent of the population is being seen.

Now look at the Flat Earth Society, what is it saying: Now to see what is the argument to reach. If there are some results from social media, then it will be a big thing. It is also worth mentioning that finally what is the logic to believe in the earth.

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