Sunday, 1 July 2018



Hello! Welcome to the world of tense names Are you afraid of speaking English? Do you want to be an expert in speaking English? If yes, then today is your good day Because today we have brought you Tense Chart in English Grammar.

Speaking of Fluent English is like a dream of many people and many people are speaking too.

Along with Fluent English, you should have complete knowledge of correct english and should also speak. But friends, I would like to ask you a question.

Will you learn to speak fluent English without any practice and knowledge?

I know you will not say it is not possible If you want to speak Fluent English then it is very important that you have a knowledge of tens.

In today's article, I am going to share 12 Tenses Formula which is very helpful to you, just need to pay a little attention to you.

Now let's read in a little detail how to create the centenas and what are its rules.
So much so that you will know that this comes in the past tense Sentences One thing I tell you more, the past can be identified by words such as A, E, A

Helping verb, 'Did' happens in past, you will remember it.
The second example I do is do it Practice yourself this.

I have eaten ⇒ I ate mango
I drank milk ⇒ I Drunk milk.
Tense Chart in English (practise time worksheets)
I know that you will be able to translate these Sentences easily without cheating. So let's start.

Note: - You can tell us your answer through the comment, so that we can tell you whether you have done right or wrong.
I ran the car
I made a kite
I went to Delhi
I drank water. |
I broke the window
I have taught you the simple sentense of future tense and past tense Now the surviving present tense of simple sentense, which all seem to be the easiest.

Let me also take an example and explain to you Then the problem of your tense will be eliminated from the simple Sentences.

We have Sentences, we have ⇒ I am the common account
In Simple Present Tense, we will write:

I eat the mango
I do not eat the mango
Do I eat the mango?
Why do I eat the mango?
To better understand these sentences, you can see the table below
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