Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Modi government gives bigger shock to government employees, no longer get overtime allowance

The Center has decided to close its overtime allowance to its employees but kept the operational staff separate from it. The Ministry of Personnel issued the order. This step has been taken based on the recommendation of 7th Pay Commission.

Wage hikes have been taking place for many years

It has been clarified from the government that the wages of the employees have increased for the past several years. So the pay commission recommended closure of overtime allowance. Accordingly, a decision has been taken to implement this decision in all the ministries or departments and their respective and government offices.

The ministry of ministers and departments has ordered the list of operational staff. Apart from this, it has also been decided that overtime allowance will be given on the basis of biometric attendance. Operational staff will receive allowance only when their senior officer informs in writing that the employee has to work overtime in the office for the necessary work. In the operational staff, the employee comes to work, who works the office to work properly and maintain the system. This means that the mechanical and electrical equipment repairs and maintenance personnel come in this category.

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