Thursday 30 August 2018

Do you know how many colors are there and what is the meaning of the number plate and what is it.

Do you know how many colors are there and what is the meaning of the number plate and what is it.

Sometimes you may have raised questions in your mind about the number of different types of vehicles being used in these vehicles, because of the different vehicles passing through the road. Indeed, the different color used in the number plate is a different meaning for all. So come know today about the colors of the number plate.

The white plate is applied to the normal carriage. The commercial vehicles of these vehicles can not be used. The plate is written in black color on the plate. White number plate is meant for personal use only.

Yellow plates are usually employed on taxi and trucks, which only have commercial access. The number plate is also written in black with black color.
Blue strips are in vehicles that foreign delegates use. In such big cities like Delhi, you will see such trails. This number is written in a white color number.

Black plates are for commercial vehicles, but such a plate is only for a particular person. You will see such cars in big hotels. This number is written in yellow with a yellow color.

The red plate is for the President of India or a state’s governor’s car. Such vehicles are used in license. The number plate is written in a golden color on the plate. Arrow numbers have been kept for the vehicles which are to be used by the Ministry of Port Protection. This number is an Erase mark on the first or third digits of the plate. This is called Broad Arrow. After Era, the first two figures show that year when the army bought that vehicle. These numbers are 11.

Green color number plate route is for the Ministry of Transportation and Electronic Transportation Vehicles. Plate green color is written in yellow or white color according to the vehicle in it. Yellow colors are used for white and commercial use for private vehicles.


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