CBSE UGC NET July 2018 Results Declared
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has published Result of UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) July 2018.
Exam Name: National Eligibility Test (UGC- NET) July 2018
View Result: Click Here
20:36 |
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Tamari Rashi Mujab Jano Nava Varsh Ma Kevu Raheshe Tamaru Rashi Fal Varshik Saptahik Ane Month Wise, Check Karo Tamaru Rashi Fal.
Kevu Rahashe Savant 2018? nu Rashi Fal Jano Tamari Rashi Mujab Jano Nava Varsh Ma Kevu Raheshe Tamaru Rashi Fal Varshik Saptahik Ane Month Wise, Check Karo Tamaru Rashi Fal. Financial Status: Jobs and business- Students- Dampapatya Jeevan and Love Life: Health Land, Honor, Property
Kevu Rahashe Savant 2018? nu Rashi Fal Jano Tamari Rashi Mujab Jano Nava Varsh Ma Kevu Raheshe Tamaru Rashi Fal Varshik Saptahik Ane Month Wise, Check Karo Tamaru Rashi Fal. Financial Status: Jobs and business- Students- Dampapatya Jeevan and Love Life: Health Land, Honor, Property: – Women Category: Court-office The solution- Sponsored Ads Aries
20:36 |
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20:35 |
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20:32 |
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A simple app for kids to paint and color or writing alphabets and numbers
This application helps to practice drawing images with multi colors and write letters and numbers, this app makes you develop interest in painting and creative thinking.
Key Features of this Application
This application helps to practice drawing images with multi colors and write letters and numbers, this app makes you develop interest in painting and creative thinking.
Key Features of this Application
• This app design makes more attractive with kids
• Magic Slate drawing and writing board with multicolor
• A digital slate where you can write, draw and clear
• It's a free app and an off-line app
• Kids can learn drawing or writing alphabets and numbers
• Save your kids drawings in your mobile
• Kids can begin their study with this amazing application
• Multiple brush sizes are available to choose
• Share and print your kid's artwork with family and friends
• Eraser available to make correction
• Multicolored pallet available to choose and draw painting
• This app design makes more attractive with kids
• Magic Slate drawing and writing board with multicolor
• A digital slate where you can write, draw and clear
• It's a free app and an off-line app
• Kids can learn drawing or writing alphabets and numbers
• Save your kids drawings in your mobile
• Kids can begin their study with this amazing application
• Multiple brush sizes are available to choose
• Share and print your kid's artwork with family and friends
• Eraser available to make correction
• Multicolored pallet available to choose and draw painting
Don't keep "Magic Slate" app a secret! We grow with your support, keep sharing :)
20:32 |
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Gujarat Rajay Na kramchari Mahamanlal Mongavari Bhatthu Tatha Navin Bhatthavo Ane any palatar prashano Baabate Shree Ganesh Karashe Tevi Rajuvat.
A number of studies have found that males tend to have greater general knowledge than females, perhaps due to gender differences in interests rather than memory ability.[1] Recent studies have found that general knowledge is associated with exam performance in schoolchildren[6] and proofreading skills.
High scorers on tests of general knowledge tend to also score highly on intelligence tests. IQ has been found to robustly predict general knowledge scores even after accounting for differences in age, sex, and five factor model personality traits.[8][9][10] In the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of intelligence, general knowledge is considered a component of crystallized intelligence. Standardized IQ tests may therefore include measures of general knowledge, such as in the information subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.
General knowledge is also moderately associated with verbal ability, though only weakly or not at all with numerical and spatial ability.[4] As with crystallized intelligence, general knowledge has been found to increase with age.
20:31 |
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Find other people’s live location in this way
It is not easy to know the location of any person and it is very difficult to know the live location.But and you are going to tell you about an application that will help you easily find the live location of anybody’s phone. But and you are going to tell you about an application that will help you easily find the live location of anybody’s phone. Even if your phone is lost, you can easily see your phone’s location.Let’s know how you can get the phone’s live location.Let’s know how you can get the phone’s live location.
First of all, you have to install an application on your smartphone. The name of this application is GPS tracker Follow me After installing this application, you will have to register in this app.It is worth mentioning that this application needs to be tracked in the phone to be tracked. You can not track if this application is not on the phone.
After installing this app you will see many options if you open the app. Here you have to go to settings. Now a new pad will open. The new user registration option will be available at the top. Click on it.Here you will have to place a user name, password and email id as soon as you click.Now click on Quintu. Now a new page will open.Let the track interval one minute here, so that the rate of phone will be available for every minute. Then save it.Now the location of the phone you want to know is available every minute.
20:29 |
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Starting in 10 thousand rupees, candle business will be a big earner per month.
Are you thinking of starting a new business? Yes, you can start the business of candle making. Wherever you can get raw goods, you should know where to sell your goods. You have to give up that candle production is one of the things that can be done at home, like the domestic industry, and by applying large-scale factories. But the information needed to build a candle before starting any work is important. To know the variables …
You can also build your company with candle business because its needs are from villages and to foreign countries. In this you have a big opportunity for your business as well as other jobs. You can also make your career by joining with it.
Creativity required for a candle
Candle production is a creative work. A good artist can be a good candle manufacturer. There is a need to understand the concept of a combination of candle with candle production. But training is also needed to understand its manufacturing.
Market for candle
This is a domestic business, which can be started even in low savings. There is no need for more men. You can also start it with family collaboration. There is no need for it too much space. This work can also be started in any corner of the house.
Government does help
Candle production comes in the category of small enterprises. Khedi village industries run new new incentives and training programs to promote central and state governments. According to a survey, the candle market in India is growing at a rate of around 8%. The government is helping every business in the new business. People belonging to women, scheduled castes or scheduled caste class get 30% discount in loans.
Raw material
Raw material needs two things, yarn and wax. Yarn lamps will be found in any good market, while wax has to go to any refinery or pesticide market. The candle is made of paarafine wax. Paraffin gets refined by refining raw petrol. To make this upright prison candle, a special perfume for gel, scented candles, and decoration will require stone to make stone, pearls, wax and thread, a large mess for waxing, and gas and candle in different shapes.
Opening charges
Candle business can also be started in low savings. You can start this business from ten thousand rupees to one lakh rupees.
By making a candle, you can earn up to 15 to 20 thousand rupees in the beginning. You can also log on to for more information.
20:27 |
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20:25 |
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What Blockchain and Bitcoin Mean for the Protection Business You may have heard the expressions “blockchain” or “Bitcoin” utilized as a part of tech hovers in the course of recent years. These ideas, alongside intense utilize cases, are changing how we consider money, exchanges and contracts. Simultaneously, they’re likewise changing how we consider the protection business.
These progressions will affect protection bearers and operators, and how protection is purchased and sold. That implies understanding blockchain and Bitcoin is essential in case you’re hoping to win in the cutting edge protection industry. This post has you secured. It gives meanings of blockchain and Bitcoin, at that point separates why this data is critical to protection industry experts. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? WHAT IS BITCOIN? In their book Blockchain Upheaval, Wear and Alex Tapscott clarify that blockchain is “the brilliantly straightforward, progressive convention that enables exchanges to be at the same time mysterious and secure by keeping up a sealed open record of significant worth.” The blockchain is intended to store exchange records (“obstructs”) in numerous spots, connected to each other (henceforth the “chain” some portion of the name) and straightforward to any client who wishes to see them. Critically, this record can’t be changed, so anybody can see a typical and exact rundown of authentic exchanges. Bitcoin is a kind of computerized money that utilizations blockchain innovation. It’s not by any means the only one that utilizations blockchain, yet is one of the more prevalent alternatives available.
Despite the fact that bitcoin is the most famous cryptographic money upheld by blockchain innovation, other advanced monetary forms, for example, ether and litecoin—utilize blockchain innovation too. All bitcoin exchanges are recorded in a decentralized open record that can’t be adjusted. In principle, this is something worth being thankful for on the grounds that it makes trust among all gatherings of the exchange and gives an unmistakable trail of procurement that avoids fake exchanges. This is one manner by which blockchain can possibly change exchanges. However, remember that blockchain does not need to be money related. Ramifications OF BLOCKCHAIN AND BITCOIN FOR THE Protection Business Blockchain applications like cryptocurency, shrewd contracts and decentralized models for protection will change how protection is appropriated. What’s more, when you change how protection is disseminated, you significantly modify how existing players profit and test business as usual. Insurance agencies could utilize the blockchain to make a disseminated record that cultivates straightforwardness, successfully tracks cases and exchange history, and gives perceivability into the authenticity of a claim. Brilliant contracts based on the blockchain can balance deceitful claims by recording exchange history on people in general system, which would dismiss different cases for a similar occasion. This could spare the business billions and open up gigantic chances to make huge measures of significant worth for buyers. Cryptocurriencies can make trust amongst safety net providers and their clients could make trust. For example, INGUARD was the principal insurance agency to acknowledge bitcoin installments. We did this since it was the correct activity for our well informed clients—a state of mind very rare in the protection business today. Consider: 40% of protection premiums turn over every year—and 66% of buyers would purchase protection on the web in the event that they could. (What’s more, and, after its all said and done, they’re scarcely happy with back up plan sites.) Shoppers don’t confide in their safety net providers to put their best advantages on the most fundamental level or execute in a reasonable, break even with way. Bitcoin and blockchain innovation, as we would see it, are devices that can possibly carefully ensure customers, as well as reestablish assume that their needs are being met. Innovation appropriation in the protection business ought to dependably make more an incentive for shoppers. It should expel contact from the purchasing procedure and empower a superior client encounter. What’s more, its adequacy ought to be estimated by consumer loyalty, not the amount PR or advertising duplicate another framework creates. That doesn’t generally happen. In any case, with the focal points blockchain innovation gives, that could begin to change. Also, that will be advance in realit
20:23 |
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Google Adsense telah menjelma menjadi sumber mata pencaharian paling besar dikalangan blogger satu dekade terakhir. Bukan hanya blogger, bahkan media mainstrem juga bertumpu pada penghasilan dari Google Adsense.
Ratusan bahkan ribuan dollar mereka hasilkan dari Google Adsense tiap bulannya.
20:20 |
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Divya Bhaskar : click here
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20:36 |
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Gujarati News Papers : Read All News At One Place
A newspaper is a serial publication containing news about current events, other informative articles about politics, sports, arts, and so on, and advertising. A newspaper is usually, but not exclusively, printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. The journalism organizations that publish newspapers are themselves often metonymically called newspapers.
Newspapers developed in the 17th century, as information sheets for businessmen. By the early 19th century, many cities in Europe, as well as North and South America, published newspapers. As of 2017, most newspapers are now published online as well as in print. The online versions are called online newspapers or news websites.
A wide variety of material is published in newspapers, including opinion columns, weather forecasts, reviews of local services, obituaries, birth notices, crosswords, editorial cartoons, comic strips, and advice columns. Most newspapers are businesses, and they pay their expenses with a mixture of subscription revenue, newsstand sales, and advertising revenue.
Divya Bhaskare-PaperDivya BhaskarGujarat SamacharGujarat Samachar e-PaperSandeshSandesh e-PaperBombay Samachar(Ahmedabad)SambhaavNobat(Jamnagar)Jai HindGujarat MitraGujarati.EconomicTimesNav Gujarat SamayAkilaAaj KaalGujarat TodaySardar GurjariKutch MitraAankho DekhiBhanvad.comSanj SamacharAbhiyaanChitralekhaGujaratDarpanKutchUdayGujarati
20:35 |
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Education All Circulars of Districts And Niyamak kacheri Gandhinagar,all Primary, Secondary and Higer Secondary Department. we also uploads various Job Updates of various government & Non-Government Sector from all over india. This blog is daily update about primery school letest circular , Educational news paper news, Breking news , all Goverment and private job ,Letest Techno tips, Insurance, Loans , Letest Mobile tips and all Competitive exam most imp gk, model paper, exam old paper, model paper in mp3 and most imp gk mp3 exam materials... Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Police constable bharti, Gsssb Clerk, Talati, and other exams, This blog You Can find Lots of Study Materials for All Competitive Exams Preaparation Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Gsssb Police Constable, Talati, junior clerk Exams This Education News Cutting From Gujarat Various Popular Newspaper Like Navgujarat Samay,Divya Bhaskar, Sandesh, Gujarat Samachar, Akila News And Many Other Newspaper.
Booth Level Officer; A Representative of Election Commission at the Grass-Root Level
For enhanced participation of electors in the electoral process and reducing the electoral malpractices, it is essential to improve the quality of electoral registration process and of the electoral rolls. Booth Level Officer (BLO) is a local Government/Semi-Government official, familiar with the local electors and generally a voter in the same polling area who assists in updating the roll using his local knowledge. In fact, BLO is a representative of Election Commission of India (ECI) at the grass-root level who plays a pivotal role in the process of roll revision and collecting actual field information with regard to the roll corresponding to the polling area assigned to him.
Under Section 13B (2) of Representation of People Act, 1950, BLOs are appointed from amongst the officers of the Govt. /Semi Govt. /Local Bodies. Generally, one BLO is responsible for one part of the electoral roll. From August, 2006 the Commission has decided to introduce the concept of appointing BLOs who would be accountable for ensuring the fidelity of electoral roll.+
The ECI introduced this new system of appointing BLOs creating a clear line of accountability for preparation of an error-free electoral roll, making the BLOs its custodian at the polling booth level. Previously, voter-identification slips used to be distributed by the contesting candidates of various political parties and that gave scope for complaints. The preparation of accurate electoral rolls and direct distribution of voter identification slip by the BLOs also boosted voter confidence in the credibility of the election process.
BLO assists eligible citizens to become voters and obtain voter card. BLO provides those different forms for addition, deletion and correction of Electoral Roll entries, carries out physical verification, and gives his/her report to Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) .The BLO interacts with local people/ political parties’ representatives and identifies dead/shifted/duplicate voters to be removed from the electoral roll after due process of law. Must visit this blog everyday for latest offers of various brand and other technology Updates
20:34 |
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Education All Circulars of Districts And Niyamak kacheri Gandhinagar,all Primary, Secondary and Higer Secondary Department. we also uploads various Job Updates of various government & Non-Government Sector from all over india. This blog is daily update about primery school letest circular , Educational news paper news, Breking news , all Goverment and private job ,Letest Techno tips, Insurance, Loans , Letest Mobile tips and all Competitive exam most imp gk, model paper, exam old paper, model paper in mp3 and most imp gk mp3 exam materials... Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Police constable bharti, Gsssb Clerk, Talati, and other exams, This blog You Can find Lots of Study Materials for All Competitive Exams Preaparation Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Gsssb Police Constable, Talati, junior clerk Exams This Education News Cutting From Gujarat Various Popular Newspaper Like Navgujarat Samay,Divya Bhaskar, Sandesh, Gujarat Samachar, Akila News And Many Other Newspaper.
Booth Level Officer; A Representative of Election Commission at the Grass-Root Level
For enhanced participation of electors in the electoral process and reducing the electoral malpractices, it is essential to improve the quality of electoral registration process and of the electoral rolls. Booth Level Officer (BLO) is a local Government/Semi-Government official, familiar with the local electors and generally a voter in the same polling area who assists in updating the roll using his local knowledge. In fact, BLO is a representative of Election Commission of India (ECI) at the grass-root level who plays a pivotal role in the process of roll revision and collecting actual field information with regard to the roll corresponding to the polling area assigned to him.
Under Section 13B (2) of Representation of People Act, 1950, BLOs are appointed from amongst the officers of the Govt. /Semi Govt. /Local Bodies. Generally, one BLO is responsible for one part of the electoral roll. From August, 2006 the Commission has decided to introduce the concept of appointing BLOs who would be accountable for ensuring the fidelity of electoral roll.+
The ECI introduced this new system of appointing BLOs creating a clear line of accountability for preparation of an error-free electoral roll, making the BLOs its custodian at the polling booth level. Previously, voter-identification slips used to be distributed by the contesting candidates of various political parties and that gave scope for complaints. The preparation of accurate electoral rolls and direct distribution of voter identification slip by the BLOs also boosted voter confidence in the credibility of the election process.
BLO assists eligible citizens to become voters and obtain voter card. BLO provides those different forms for addition, deletion and correction of Electoral Roll entries, carries out physical verification, and gives his/her report to Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) .The BLO interacts with local people/ political parties’ representatives and identifies dead/shifted/duplicate voters to be removed from the electoral roll after due process of law. Must visit this blog everyday for latest offers of various brand and other technology Updates
20:33 |
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The State Education Board (SEB) of Gujarat, will declare the Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018.
Candidates can access the Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018 through online mode only. Answer key is a very helpful resource for the aspirants of Gujarat TAT 2018. Through Answer Key, aspirants can predict the probable scores that they have achieved. Answer Key will help students to check their performance and possibility of predicting if they have cleared the exam or not. For every correct answer, candidate will be awarded with 1 mark only. There is no negative marking for this exam. With the help of this article, candidates can check the complete details regarding Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018 and how to download the same.
Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018
When State Board of Gujarat publish the Answer Key of Gujarat TAT 2018 on the official website, aspirants will be able to check the same. Here, the link and schedule is given below regarding the release date of Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018.
How to Download TAT Answer Key
Here are the steps that must be followed to download the Answer Key for Gujarat TAT 2018.
Firstly, visit the official website.
Seek for the Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018.
An Answer Key will be displayed on your screen.
It will be consist of Answers for Questions belonging to different Sets.
Candidate will go for their respective sets.
Now you can download your Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018
Check the scores and predict your performance.
It is advised to the candidates that check the set of your question paper correctly to get the correct Answer Key and you will be able to cross check the answers correctly.
Gujarat TAT 2018 Question Paper Teachers Aptitude Test Gujarat 2017 2018
Recruitment in Gujarat TAT Teachers’ Aptitude Test Gujarat Vacancy TAT Suchana TAT 2018 Application Teachers Aptitude Test 2017 2018 Gujarat Teachers job Gujarat TAT Online Application form online apply TAT Gujarat Advertisement Online Job Application System OJAS Gujarat Government TAT Notification TAT Question Paper TAT exam pattern previous year TAT new pattern of Gujarat TAT download pdf format syllabus of Gujarat Teachers Aptitude Test 2018 TAT Question Paper previous year TAT question paper last year TAT Gujarat Question Download pdf format
Gujarat Government decided to take 7000+ teachers for the Secondary and Higher Secondary schools in Gajarat. The Government will conduct a exam Teachers’ Aptitude Test (TAT) for the vacancy.
20:32 |
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Gujarat TAT question paper and Solution 2018 - Today Gujarat secondary education board (GSEB) take TAT Exam 2018 succefully. Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018 Pdf Download: Gujarat Teacher aptitude test (TAT) has successfully taken by Gujarat State Examination Board (GSEB) in various Gujarat centers. There are large number of aspirants applied for TAT Exam 2018 and almost all candidates give written examination on 29th July 2018. TAT written exam 2018 for Teacher Eligibility Test conducted in different subject like Geography, Philosophy, Gujarati, Hindi, Science, Commerce, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, social Science Upper Primary Teacher Tat Answer key 2018 (Gujarati / English Medium) Various Languages or Bhasha TAT Answer key 2018 (Gujarati, Hindi, English, Sanskrit) for Gujarati Medium. Maths & Science Upper Primary Teacher GSEB TAT Answer key 2018.
Gujarat TAT Answer Key 2018 Download
Dear visitor, Here are importantEducational news of the Date 29-07-2018 .These all images are taken from Gujarat Various Popular Newspapers, like.Navgujarat Samay,Akila,Sandesh,Divya Bhaskar As per these images you are Know Very Useful Educational News and Gujarat Current news.
22:35 |
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Psychology 2648 MCQs Questions Book Download For TAT Exam.
Book Useful For TET/TAT/HTAT Exam.
Now You Are Preparing TET/TAT exams. Today we are uploaded Study Material Subjects of Psychology MCQs Questions. Its Very Helpful for your batter Preparation. In this Material There are Many Topics Questions of Psychology Subject.
Teacher Aptitued Test known as TAT is an Indian entrance examination for teachers. The test is mandatory for getting teaching jobs in government schools from Class 1 to Class 8. Paper 1 is meant for teachers opting for Class 1 to Class 5 and Paper 2 for Class 6 to Class 8. It is conducted by both Central government and State governments in India. Most states conduct their own TaT.[1] The test is conducted in order fulfill and achieve the goals of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act.
TAT was introduced by the Government of India in order to improve standards in. It was held for the first time in 2011. For teachers already working, they are supposed to clear the exam in two years time.
The exam is based on National Curriculum Framework. The people who have the professional qualifications of Teacher Training such as B.T.C (D.El.Ed), B.Ed, B.El.Ed are eligible to take part in the test. It's a mandatory qualification for one who wanted to be a teacher from Class I to class VIII. A candidate has to score over 60 per cent to clear the eligibility test. The exam is divided into Paper 1 and Paper 2. The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) maintains the database and guides the government bodies about conduct.
Psychology 2648 MCQs Question for TAT 1-2 Exams.
Stay Connected for Daily Updates About Education And Study Materials For All Compititive Exam And Also Updates About Government Jobs Notification And Full Details Stay on www.
Download Here
22:29 |
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Directorate of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Research has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Junior Research Fellow - 1 postSenior Research Fellow - 1 postProject Assistant - 1 postProject Assistant - 1 post
Total No. of Posts: 04
Educational Qualification: Please read OfficialNotification for Educational Qualification details.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Interested candidates are requested to remain present along with all original certificates to given address in the advertisement.
Junior Research Fellow: 14-08-2018
Senior Research Fellow: 13-08-2018
Project Assistant: 14-08-2018
Project Assistant: 13-08-2018
22:28 |
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Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research And Management (IITRAM) has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Senior Office Executive: 01 PostOffice Executive: 04 PostsOffice Assistant - Stores: 02 PostsOffice Assistant - IT: 01 PostLaboratory Assistant (Chemistry): 02 PostsSenior Placement Officer: 01 PostLaboratory Assistant (Computer): 01 Post Total No. of Posts: 12 Posts
Educational Qualification:
Senior Office Executive: M.B.A. – First Class passed out candidates only. Preference will be given to candidate having an engineering background.
Office Executive: M.B.A. – First Class passed out candidates only. Preference will be given to candidate having an engineering background.
Office Assistant - Stores: Graduate in any discipline with 03 years relevant experience OR Diploma/ITI having 07 years of relevant experience. OR Graduate in any discipline with 04 years relevant experience OR Diploma/ITI having 08 years of relevant experience
Office Assistant - IT: BCA / PGDCA with 03 years relevant experience OR Diploma Computer/IT with 07 years of relevant experience (Preference will be given to the candidate having experience in routine office work)
Laboratory Assistant (Chemistry): Bachelor’s degree in appropriate field (First Class passed out candidates) OR Diploma/ITI in the relevant field (First Class passed out candidates)
Senior Placement Officer: Post Graduate in any discipline and experience in placement activities. Preference will be given to candidate having experience in academic institutes and engineering background.
Laboratory Assistant (Computer): Bachelor’s degree in computer/IT (First Class passed out candidates) OR Diploma/ITI in the Computer/IT (First Class passed out candidates.
Age Limit:
For Sr. Office Executive / Office Assistant / Laboratory Assistant (Chemistry) / Sr. Placement Officer: Not more than 40 yearsFor Office Executive / Laboratory Assistant (Computer): Not more than 30 yearsApplication Fee: Candidate should send a Non Refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 100 in the name of “Registrar, IITRAM” payable at Ahmedabad (Required at the time of application online).
How to Apply: Online application should be made on only and candidate should take print out of the application at the end. Candidate should send a Non Refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 100 in the name of “Registrar, IITRAM” payable at Ahmedabad (Required at the time of application online). Demand Draft should be sent for EACH POST separately. Demand Draft along with the print out of online application submitted should be sent by speed post/ registered post only at following mail address on or before 24/08/2018, 5.00PM. Application will not be considered without hard copies received at the institute.
Mailing Address:
Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management,
Maninagar East, Khokhra Circle,
Ahmedabad- 380026
Selection Procedure:
Based on applications received, a merit list of qualified candidates will be prepared.
For a particular post, about 3 times no. of candidates will be called for personal interview. Candidates will be selected as per the performance in the interview.
No separate letters will be sent for interview. Candidates shortlisted will be sent SMS and e-mail. List of shortlisted candidates will be available on Institute website in due course of time
Last Date: 24-08-2018
Advertisement: Click Here
Notification: Click Here
Apply Online: Click Here
22:27 |
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Mutual Fund Data Content, Data Content provider for Mutual Fund, stock market data and historical quotes, Stock Exchange details, Mutual Fund Data Content, Mutual Fund Software for Financial Advisors, mutual fund software, leading mutual fund software in India, software for financial advisory, financial consultant in mutual fund, mutual fund form printing software,mutual fund,online mutual fund portfolio,mutual fund portfolio viewer, online buying of mutual fund, Software for Financial Advisors in India, financial software, india's no.1 software for mutual fund, fixed deposit software, ipo software, data and charts for equities, commodities, currencies, bonds and rates , Investwell Data. InvestWell is the No.1 data content provider for Mutual Fund centric website. Stock Market in India , Mutual Fund software, leading mutual fund software in India, software for financial advisory, financial consultant in mutual fund, mutual fund form printing software,mutual fund, online mutual fund portfolio,mutual fund portfolio viewer, online buying of mutual fund, Software for Financial Advisors in India, financial software, india's no.1 software for mutual fund, fixed deposit software, ipo software, Find commodities, rates & bonds, futures and currencies.
06:09 |
Watch For Free For 1 Year HD Channels, Reliance's Second Strike
Watch for free for 1 year HD Channels, Reliance's second strike
Zee News
The company of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group is bringing a huge offer for you
New Delhi: The company of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group has been offering tremendous offers for you. The company has introduced this plan for the users of India. The company has made all the channels free for one year on the connection of Big TV. The company has partnered partnered under Digital India and has offered tremendous plans under Direct to Home Service. RIL has partnered with 50,000 post offices in the country for this. After this, the buyer can book the beginning of the cursor through the post office.
In this plan, the company will show 500 free-to-air channels for 5 years for free and you can watch paid channels for free for a year. For this, you have to pre-book the set-top box of Reliance Big TV. A customer booking will be given HD HEVC Set Top Box, which will have facilities like recording, USB port, HDMI port, recording and viewing.
The company has already started booking this service. Currently bookings can be done in Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim. This offer is Rs. 499. Deposit can be taken from the post office. Company director Vijender Singh has announced this plan and said that this plan will rewrite the definition of entertainment in India.
Read the original source
The Central Board of Direct Taxes has notified the new ITR Forms for AY 2018-19 Income Tax Return Filing (for FY 2017-18). In order to make ITR filing easy, some sections of the forms have been rationalized.
The new ITR forms in PDF format have been made available, while the excel utilities (or) Java Utilities for AY 2018-19 will soon be made available on incometaxindia e-filing website.
What is Assessment Year (AY) & Financial Year (FY)?
Financial year (FY) is the year in which you have earned the income. If you are filing a return this year, the financial year will be 2017-18.
For example, if you have had an income between 1st April 2017 and 31 March 2018, then 2017-18 will be referred to as FY. Assessment Year (AY) is the year in which you file returns i.e., 2018-19. The last date to file returns for the financial year 2017-2018 is July 31st 2018 (as of now).
Income Tax Slab Rates for FY 2017-18
The income tax slabs & rates are categorized as below;
Individual resident aged below 60 years.
Senior Citizen (Individual resident who is of the age of 60 years or more but below the age of 80 years at any time during the previous year) &.
Super Senior Citizen (Individual resident who is of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the previous year).
AY 2018-19 Income Tax Return Filing | New ITR Forms
Below are the important details about new ITR forms;
The requirement of furnishing details of cash deposit made during a specified period as provided in ITR Form for the Assessment Year 2017-18 has been done away with from Assessment Year 2018-19.
NRIs can now provide details of their foreign bank accounts to claim credit or refunds. Earlier, they could only provide details of bank accounts held in India.
However, NRIs will no longer be able to file returns using the simple income tax return (ITR)-1 form, which can now only be used by residents. NRIs will have to use ITR-2, which seeks more information.
GSTIN number now has to be mentioned in ITR-4 filled by businesses and professionals claiming presumptive income. They also have to quote gross receipts as per GST returns.
The partners in firms will now have to file ITR-3 instead of ITR-2.
All the ITR Forms are to be filed electronically. However, where return is furnished in ITR Form-1 (Sahaj) or ITR-4 (Sugam), the following persons have an option to file return in paper form:-
An Individual of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the previous year (or)
An Individual or HUF whose income does not exceed five lakh rupees and who has not claimed any refund in the Return of Income.
FY 2017-18 Income Tax Return Filing | Which ITR form to file?
New ITR 1 (Sahaj) Form For Assessment Year 2018-19
The Central Board of Direct Taxes(CBDT) has notified Income Tax Return Forms (ITR Forms) for the Assessment Year 2018-19. For Assessment Year 2017-18, a one page simplified ITR Form-1 (Sahaj) was notified. This initiative benefited around 3 crore taxpayers, who have filed their return in this simplified Form. For Assessment Year 2018-19 also, a one page simplified ITR Form-1(Sahaj) has been notified.
This form can be used if you have;
Salary or Pension Income
Income from one house property (excluding cases where loss is brought forward from previous years)
No business income / no Capital gains
No asset in foreign country or no income from a source outside India
Agricultural income which is less than Rs 5,000
Income from other sources like FD/Shares/NSC etc.,
No income from lottery or horse racing.TR Form-1 (Sahaj) can be filed by an individual who is resident other than not ordinarily resident, having income upto Rs 50 lakh and who is receiving income from salary, one house property / other income (interest etc.).
Further, the parts relating to salary and house property have been rationalized and furnishing of basic details of salary (as available in Form 16) and income from house property have been mandated.
New ITR 2 Form for Assessment year 2018-19 :
ITR2 form can be filed by an Individual or Hindu Undivided Family (HUF). This form can be used if you have;
Salary or Pension Income
Income under the head ‘Capital Gains’
Income from multiple houses
No business / professional income under any proprietorship
An asset in foreign country or income from a source outside India
Agricultural income of more than Rs 5,000
Income from lottery or horse racing
If your income is more than Rs 50 Lakh, ITR 2 has a Schedule AL requiring assessees to declare their assets and liabilities at the end of the fiscal.
Click here to download new ITR 2 Form.
New ITR 3 for AY 2018-19 Income tax filing
Since AY 2017-18, the previous ITR 4 form has been re-numbered as ITR 3 form.
New ITR 3 form is for individuals and HUFs having income from a proprietary business or profession (or having income as a partner in a Partnership firm).
This ITR covers all kind of businesses and professions irrespective of any income limit. Assesse can also report his income from salary, multiple house properties, lottery winnings, capital gains, speculative income i.e. horse race in ITR3 together with the Business Income.
Click here to download new ITR 3 Form.
New ITR 4S (Sugam) form for AY 2018-19 / FY 2017-18
This form can be used by individuals who have;
Presumptive income from Business or Profession.
No Capital Gains
Agricultural Income which is less than Rs 5k
No asset in foreign country or no income from a source outside India
Income from one house property
Income from other sources
Click here to download new ITR 4S form.
Important points to consider before filing your ITR :
Before you file your Income Tax returns, check if your Form 26 AS has correct TDS entries. For example: Your employer might have deducted TDS amount for last quarter and deposited the amount on your behalf. Check for this transaction in Form 26 AS. Also, check whether all the investments with TDS have been duly mentioned in your Tax return form also. Any mismatch will lead to a notice from the department.
Do not file your ITR till you get Form-16 (issued by your employer, if salaried) and Form 16A. While Form 16 is for only salary income, Form 16A is applicable for TDS on Income Other than Salary. Form 16A is a statement containing all details of TDS Deducted on all Payments except Salary. For example, Form 16A is issued by banks when they deduct TDS on interest income earned on your Fixed Deposits / Recurring Deposits.
Form16, Form 16A and Form 26AS documents will come handy while filing your ITR. As discussed above, you have most of the details in your form 16 with which you can easily file your Tax Returns. Cross check your Form 16/16A TDS amounts with Form 26AS and then key in TDS details in ITR accordingly.
Based on Form 16, you can fill ‘Income’ and ‘TDS’ details. By looking at your Form 16 A, you can fill ‘income from other sources’ and ‘TDS’ details in ITR sheet.
Based on Form26 AS, you can cross check the above TDS payments and also fill in details of ‘Advance or self assessment tax’ payments (if any) in your ITR sheet. (Related Article : ‘Understanding your Form 16 & other Tax related forms – Form 16A & Form 26AS‘)
If you had joined a new company during the financial year then do not forget to declare the income from previous employer in the tax return.
You might have earned interest income on Bank fixed deposits, Bonds, National Saving Certificates (NSCs) etc., This income is taxable. (Interest earned on bank savings account is exempted upto Rs 10,000 but it should be included in filing). You have to declare all these incomes in your tax return.
In case, if your declared investment amount (to your employer) is more than your actual investments, you have to pay additional taxes while filing your Income Tax Return
In case, if your declared amount is less than your actual investments, your company might have deducted higher TDS. So, you can claim this as ‘refund‘ while filing your taxes. (Kindly read : ‘TDS & Misconceptions‘)
Even if you miss the deadline for submitting the investment proofs, you can still claim all the tax deductions (except few allowances like LTA or Medical allowance) while filing your Income Tax Return.
It is advisable to keep copies of all your original documents for your future reference.
Important Link :
official site Full Detail Pdf file
31st July is the last day to file your income tax returns this financial year, 2018-19. Nothing proves your financial wisdom and ethics like tax compliance – timely filing of ITR. Filing your income tax return is not as difficult as it may sound. Here is a step by step guide to e-file your income tax return using ClearTax. It is simple, easy and quick.
Step 1: ITR Efiling – Getting Started
Before we get started, you should have the following documents at hand to pace up the process:
Bank account details
Form 16
Investments details
Login to your ClearTax account.
Click on ‘Upload Form 16 PDF’ if you have your Form 16 in PDF format. If you do not have Form 16 in PDF format click on ‘Continue Here’
Step 2: Enter Your Personal Information
Enter your name, PAN, Date of birth and father’s name.
Step 3: Enter Your Salary Details
3a. Fill in your employer name and type.
3b. Provide your salary and TDS information. For entering the break up of your salary in detail ‘Click here’.
Step 4: Enter the Details for Claiming Deduction
Enter investment details for deductions to be claimed (eg. LIC, PPF etc., and claim other tax benefits here.
Step 5: Enter the Details of Taxes Paid
If you have any non-salary income, say, interest income or freelance income, then add tax payments that are already made. You can also add these details by uploading Form 26AS.
Step 6: e-File
Enter your bank account details and proceed towards e-filing.
If you see ‘Refund’ or ‘No Tax Due’ here, Click on proceed to e-Filing. You will get an acknowledgment number on the next screen.
Tip: See a ‘Tax Due’ message? Read this guide to know how to pay your tax dues.
Step 7: E-Verify
Once your return is filed e-Verify your income tax return.
Watch this video to know how to e-File ITR Online
Yay! You Are Done
06:05 |
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Best Bhajan.mp3
Hare Krishna! The great Lord Krishna, one of Hinduism’s most famous deities. The great exponent of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is the ninth and the most powerful incarnation of Vishnu, the Godhead of the Hindu Trinity of deities.
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The main feature of app is that the Videos
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The App is Free to download.
06:04 |
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Are you boring with regular ringtones? Need a special ringtone with your personalized voice text? Today we are telling you about best website for making name ringtone as your favorite caller tune. You can make very much personalized caller ringtones with your desired text.
Not only your own name. You can create the ringtone using any names. How famous the name can be, you can make it as your incoming call ringtone. Ringtones you create will be saved in the mp3 format
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You can make mp3 caller ringtones knows as mp3 ringtone maker. If you would like to create your name or your friend’s name then it becomes easy to create and set as caller ringtone. Simple & Best My Name Ringtone Maker App. You Can play for the test.
05:58 |
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This selfie taken on Mount Everest.
However, the selfies are taken in pleasure and happiness. It does not matter what it means, it rarely happens. Now the group photo is taken on the basis of selfies. At present, one self-service has started a debate on the earth. Or it can be said that this selfie is a contract answer for people who believe in a flat earth. Some people believe that the earth is completely flat. These people give a contract of confidentiality on the line showing the globe. There are so many people who believe that they have made their own separate community. The name of this community is Flat Earth Society. These people seem to prove that the earth is not round, but flat. This selfie from Everest can disappoint people of the Flat Earth Society.
Mount Everest is the world’s largest peak which is about 8,848 meters above sea level. A mountaineer who has arrived here has posted a selfie on a site reader on social media. He wrote: ‘Flat and beat the Society.’
Another Redtube user confirmed that it was a common thing that if the earth was flat, then the entire mountain could be seen from the highest peak, but it is not possible, only 2.5 percent of the population is being seen.
Now look at the Flat Earth Society, what is it saying: Now to see what is the argument to reach. If there are some results from social media, then it will be a big thing. It is also worth mentioning that finally what is the logic to believe in the earth.
05:58 |
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Simply download whatsapp states like this.
One feature of WhatsApp, ‘WhatsApp Status’ is all the time that people love today. If you go to the status section of WhatsApp, you can see the status of other users. This status will only last for 24 hours. After this, it will be deleted manually. If you find any other user’s WhatsApp Status good and you want to keep them or you want to download, we will show you how to download WhatsApp Status.
What is WhatsApp Status:
Just like you can add a profile picture to Facebook as well as add a status to WhatsApp. This is different from our profile picture. WhatsApp status will show on your profile up to 24 hours after updating. In which you can also add photos, videos and GIFs. You can also add audio and video to WhatsApp States. When you add WhatsApp Status, you will send WhatsApp your status. As people will see your status, you will know who has seen your status. You can see your WhatsApp status and see if some people have seen your status. If you have a good photo, you can also reply to the user.
How To Download WhatsApp Status:
-If you have an Android phone, you can easily download WhatsApp status. If you follow these steps you can download WhatsApp status.
First go to your phone’s My File folder.
Then go to the device storage. Some smartphones will see ‘Category’ and ‘Local 2’ sections. You go to the local section.
– Your Whatsapp Folder will be found in Drive storage,
-Click on the media name folder in the Whatsapp folder,
In the Media folder, you go to More Settings.
Here you will find an hidden file option, which you have turned on.
-When you have a folder named Statuses in the WhatsApp folder.
The status of this folder will be downloaded.
-The image and video will remain in this folder for 24 hours.
If you want to keep these images and videos for a long time, copy it to the WhatsApp Image Folder.
If you find any of the user’s WhatsApp statues can be downloaded in this way.
20:18 |
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How To Link Aadhaar With PAN By SMS
In order to link your Aadhar to PAN, follow these steps:
You have to type a message in the format.
UIDPAN<12 Digit Aadhaar> <10 Digit PAN>
Send the message to either 567678 or 56161 from your registered mobile number
If your Aadhaar number is 987654321012 and your PAN is ABCDE1234F, you have to type UIDPAN 987654321012 ABCDE1234Fand send the message to either 567678 or 56161
Correction Facility For Linking Your PAN With Aadhar Card
It is worth noting that PAN and Aadhar linking is successful only when all your details in both the documents match. In case there are errors such as spelling mistakes in your name, your PAN will not be linked with Aadhaar. You can make changes through UIDAI’s website or on the portal of NSDL PAN. In case there are errors, you can get it corrected by following these steps:
The user can correct his PAN details using the NSDL website.
The NSDL link redirects to the page where you can apply for the correction of your name.
Submit signed digital documents to get your PAN details updated.
Once your details are corrected in your PAN and confirmed by NSDL over a mail, you can link your PAN with Aadhaar.
The UIDAI method is relatively simpler. Here’s how you can do it through UIDAI’s website:
Visit the UIDAI webpage by clicking enter your Aadhaar and security code.
An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number.
In case you have to change the spelling of your name, only OTP is required.
In case you have to modify other details such as gender and date of birth, you have to send the supporting documents for updation.
Once approved, the user can link his PAN card with Aadhaar.
Unable To Link PAN With Aadhaar? Here’s What To Do
PAN cards have to be mandatorily linked with Aadhaar before the deadline ends otherwise they will be deactivated by the Income Tax Department. The name of the applicant should be the same on both PAN card and the Aadhaar card.
In case there is some spelling mismatch, your will be unable to link Aadhaar with PAN. You will have to get your name corrected and after correction, you can easily link your PAN with Aadhaar.
In case your name in the PAN card is wrongly spelt, follow these steps to make corrections:
Step 2: Select the ‘Changes or Correction in existing PAN data/Reprint of PAN Card (No changes in Existing PAN Data)’ option from the drop down menu
Step 3: Select the individual category and enter your details
Step 4: Make payment and submit your form online after Aadhaar e-KYC
Step 5: Your updated PAN will be sent to your address
Step 6: Once you receive your PAN card, you can link your PAN with Aadhaar
In case your name in the PAN card is wrongly spelt, follow these steps to make corrections:
Step 1: Visit an Aadhaar Enrolment Centre
Step 2: Carry a self-attested copy of your proof of Identity
Step 3: Fill the Aadhaar Enrolment Form
Step 4: Submit the form along with the documents
Step 5: You will get an acknowledgement slip that contains the update request number
Step 6: This URN can be used to check the status of your update request
Step 7: Once your update request is processed and the name is corrected, you can link your PAN with Aadhaar
Importance Of Linking PAN Card With Aadhar Card
Linking PAN with Aadhar is very important for all PAN card holders because of the following reasons:
image credit govt of india income tax department
Official website :Click here
20:14 |
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20:13 |
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20:09 |
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Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) Police Inspector (PI) Main Exam Result Declared
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20:06 |
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20:32 |
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NEWS REPORT REGARDING PRINCIPAL VACANCY IN GRANTED SCHOOL IN GUJARAT mutual fund investors have the habit of searching for top 10 mutual fund schemes while investing in mutual funds. Often, they land in sites where mutual fund schemes would be listed on the basis of their performance over a short period. No wonder, many investors keep wondering whether they picked up the right schemes even after investing in them for a few years. That is why ET Mutual Funds decided to come with our own list of Top 10 mutual fund schemes. Unlike other sites, the list is not just a list of 10 schemes in every category based on their short-term returns. We have picked up two schemes from five different categories -- largecap, midcap, multicap, ELSS or tax saving schemes and equity-oriented hybrid schemes - which we believe should be enough for regular mutual fund investors. We believe that the list would be of immense help to new investors looking to invest in mutual funds. Mostly, new investors start with Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSSs) or tax saving/mutual fund schemes. Investments in these schemes qualify for tax deductions of up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. These schemes are ideal for new investors as they come with a mandatory lock-in period of three years and it helps investors tackle volatility typically associated with equity mutual funds. Equity-oriented hybrid schemes or balanced schemes are also ideal for novices to the stock market. These schemes invest in a mix of equity (minimum 65 per cent) and debt, and they are relatively less volatile than pure equity schemes that invest the entire corpus in stocks. Equity-oriented hybrid schemes are the best investment vehicle for investors looking to create long-term wealth without much volatility. A regular investor looking to invest in the stock market need not look beyond mutlicap mutual funds or diversified equity schemes. These schemes invest across market capitalisation based on the view of the fund manager. They invest mostly in largecap and midcap stocks, with a small allocation to smallcap stocks. A regular investor can benefit from the uptrend in any of the sectors, categories of stocks by investing in these schemes.
20:28 |
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20:28 |
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20:19 |
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(26.07.2018 & 27-07-2018)
Jilla Rojgar Vinimay Kacheri, Gandhinagar has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Jilla Rojgar Vinimay Kacheri, Gandhinagar Bharati Melo
Posts: Various Posts
Educational Qualification:10 Pass, 12 Pass, ITI Pass, Diploma, Any Graduate
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Interested candidates are requested to remain present along with all original certificates to given address in the advertisement.
Walk-in-Interview: 26-07-2018 & 27-07-2018 at 10:30 a.m. onwards.
Interview Place : Please Read Notification
To Read Notification : Click Here
20:16 |
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20:14 |
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Idea introduced a new prepaid plan with a validity of 112 days.
Idea introduced a new prepaid plan with a validity of 112 days
A mutual fund company is an investment company that receives money from investors for the sole purpose to invest stocks, bonds, and other securities for the benefit of the investors. A mutu inal fund is the portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities that generate profits for the investor, or shareholder of Mutual funds are generally safer, but less profitable, than stocks, and riskier, but more profitable than bonds or bank accounts, although its profit-risk profile can vary widely, depending on the fund's investment objective.Most mutual funds are open-end funds, which sells new shares continuously or buys them back from the shareholder (redeems them), dealing directly with the investor (no-load funds) or through broker-dealers, who receive the sales load of a buy or sell order. The purchaseC price is the net asset value (NAV) at the end of the trading day, which is the total assets of the fund minus its liabilities divided by the number of shares outstanding for
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21:11 |
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Your Birth Date Will Tell You Your Love Will Become Marriage Or The Orange, Learn How To
Before marriage, every man wants to know that in the future his love marriage will be that orange. Many people are very interested in this. Those who are very interested to know this have brought the answer to this confusion today we are here
Only this one of the mantras will be removed from all the difficulties, know its true way
Before the night on Saturday night, draw blacks, shine luck, and flee away poverty
Do not waste time on this Sunday’s vow, constantly earning wealth + prosperity
Please sit in this place Hanuman Chalisa, definitely will be the richest man
There are many ways in astrology, through which we can know, that your love will be marred or an array of marriages. How successful your marriage will be and what partner you get. An astrologer shows that depending on the date of your birth, you may find that your love marriage will be in the future or that an array of marriages.
21:10 |
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E Question Bank : Manovigyan ( Total 460
Our Blog is Providing PDf File Of General Knowledge Related With Different Fields Of Competitive Exam Syllabus. Gyanpath provides you with the best chosen study material like latest and daily which are likely to be asked in the upcoming exams. In addition to this, here you can get all types of study materials like Indian Polity Notes, Aptitude eBooks, Reasoning eBooks, Data Interpretation Books, GK, Computer and General Awareness, English Grammer, Gujarati Vyakran, Maths ,Gujarat Parichay Bharat Parichay etc for various Competitive Exam like Tet 1 – Tet 2 – Htat- Talati – PSI – Constable - Clerk - ,GPSC Exam – And Other Competitive Exam.. You can get all the study material for the Your Next Competitive Exam.
Gyanpath Study Material That provided here is being provided and made by the teachers of the top most coaching institutes which provides coaching for competitive exams. You can download the competitive exam material for various upcoming exams in PDF format also. These notes will surely help you to crack the exams. You can get selected and important notes on, Geography, History, Indian Polity, Important GK Questions, Important Current Awareness Questions which are asked in the various competitive exams like Tet 1 – Tet 2 – Htat- Talati – PSI – Constable - Clerk - ,GPSC Exam – And Other Competitive Exam
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Dear Aspirants, To Make More Perfect For Next Upcoming TALATI Exam, PSI Exam, GSSSB CLERK Exam, TET HTAT Exam, We Are Providing You A Most Effective Study Material On Different Subject.Today Wet try Our Best To Provide You Study Material On "Manovigyan ( Total 460 Question )."
E Question Bank : Manovigyan ( Total 460 Question )
21:09 |
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DiskDigger can undelete and recover lost photos and images from your memory card or internal memory. No rooting necessary!* Whether you accidentally deleted a photo, or even reformatted your memory card, DiskDigger’s powerful data recovery features can find your lost pictures and let you restore them.
You can upload your recovered files directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allows you to save the files to a different local folder on your device.
* If your device is not rooted, the app will perform a “limited” scan for your deleted photos by searching your cache and thumbnails.
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Save the files to a different local folder on your device.
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20:59 |
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Under Section 13B (2) of Representation of People Act, 1950, BLOs are appointed from amongst the officers of the Govt. /Semi Govt. /Local Bodies. Generally, one BLO is responsible for one part of the electoral roll. From August, 2006 the Commission has decided to introduce the concept of appointing BLOs who would be accountable for ensuring the fidelity of electoral roll.+
BLO assists eligible citizens to become voters and obtain voter card. BLO provides those different forms for addition, deletion and correction of Electoral Roll entries, carries out physical verification, and gives his/her report to Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) .The BLO interacts with local people/ political parties’ representatives and identifies dead/shifted/duplicate voters to be removed from the electoral roll after due process of law. Must visit this blog everyday for latest offers of various brand and other technology Updates.
The ECI introduced this new system of appointing BLOs creating a clear line of accountability for preparation of an error-free electoral roll, making the BLOs its custodian at the polling booth level. Previously, voter-identification slips used to be distributed by the contesting candidates of various political parties and that gave scope for complaints. The preparation of accurate electoral rolls and direct distribution of voter identification slip by the BLOs also boosted voter confidence in the credibility of the election process.