Tuesday 17 April 2018

Submit every month in this pocket of post office 1 thousand, will become 72 thousand

Submit every month in this pocket of post office 1 thousand, will become 72 thousand

New Delhi It is often seen that when it comes to big investments, then the hand of the job seekers is empty. The biggest reason for this is that they do not even deposit such a large amount in limited salaries. However, if you collect small deposits, then you may also have a large amount of money deposited for a few years.

Post office will help RD

The post’s recurring deposit or RD can help you in this work. You can use it like piggy bank. It means that you keep adding a fixed amount every month to your salary and after 5 years you will have a large amount of money in your hand. Even if you do not get interest on depositing money in the house piggy bank, you earn interest even when depositing money here. In a straightforward language, RD is such a piggy bank where your money will grow over time. Let’s know about this scheme

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