Wednesday, 28 March 2018

The Good Day Of The Workers Working On The Contract Was Given By The Government

The good day of the workers working on the contract was given by the government
The Central Government has given a huge gift to people working on contract with a major change in employee recruitment. The government has started the appointment of fixed-time appointments for all sectors. The doors of this facility, which will be available only in the textile industry, will be of great benefit to other sectors.

The government has taken steps to increase the flexibility of the industry in the country, and also the companies will also have the flexibility to recruit employees. The Ministry of Labor has announced the instructions for this change. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced this change in budget speech in February.

Contract employees will receive direct benefit from starting this facility in all areas. All employees, who will be recruited under this, will be recruited. They will get the same facility as a regular employee.

Which means that, as regular employees get many rights under different laws. Which includes other things, including the right salary, giving instructions before leaving the job. After getting this facility, it will also benefit people with contractual jobs with regular employees.

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